- TEM Tutorial guide:
How to learn to use a transmission electron microscope (TEM) quickly and efficiently.
The guide assumes no knowledge of the technique. Ideal for new graduate students in materials science and/or biology who need to use a microscope on a day-to-day basis.
- Scanning transmission electron microsope (STEM) and TEM/STEM alignment
for more advanced users who want to understand alignment of STEM optics via the Ronchigram.
- Theory of wave interference:
A not-too mathematical introduction.
- TEM Align: a concise article in PDF format:
Basic principles of TEM alignment, originally published by Microscopy and Analysis. Much more detail can be found in the WEB guide published on these pages.
- STEM Align: a concise article in PDF format:
Basic principles of STEM alignment, originally published by Microscopy and Analysis. Much more detail can be found in the WEB guide published on these pages.
- Diffractive imaging:
List of some research papers by John Rodenburg on the theory
and practice of diffractive imaging.